Founded in 1999, the LIGA Consultoria Técnica e Projetos is a company specializing in the provision of services related to the socio-environmental field, mainly in the Amazon region.

The Institute for Social and Environmental Strategic Intelligence from the Amazon (Insituto Piatam) is a nongovernmental nonprofit organization founded in 2007. The Institute had its origin in the Piatam Project, which is currently coordinated by the Federal University of Amazonas, and has existed since 2001. The Piatam Project is funded by the Financier of Studies and Projects - FINEP and brings together research from the National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA) and the Piatam institute.

In 2011, the Foundation for the Support of Research of the State of Amazonas (FAPEAM), in partnership with FINEP, launched the Program for Support of Research in the form of Economic Subsidies to Micro and Small Enterprises in the North, Northeast and Midwest of Brazil (PAPPE Integration). After the proposal was approved, LIGA Consultoria Técnica e Projetos initiated a partnership with Instituto Piatam. Liga was responsible for developing the concept of Care & Save, and Piatam responsible for its implementation.


LIGA Consultoria Técnica e Projetos

• 2013 - Development of Environmental Impact Studies in two areas of streams in the city of Manaus. Service contracted by the company Architech Consulting and Planning.

• 2011 - Fieldwork for the project The Economic Valuation of River Tarumã Watershed, Manaus-AM. Funded by CNPq and implemented by the Federal University of Amazonas, 2011.

• 2011 - Modeling of self-purification and dilution of Igarapé Goiabinha, in Manaus. Service contracted by Águas do Amazonas.

• 2011 – Technical training for IPAAM - Institute of Environmental Protection of the State of Amazonas, staff of the PIM industries - Industrial Park of Manaus. Liga provided technical assistance to IPAAM for implementation and management. Liga also participated in the technical planning for the city laboratory in Manaus. Service contracted by the company Falcão Bauer, currently in progress.

• 2009 – Environmental diagnostic of the Balbina Reservoir for Amazonas Energia SA, Manaus, Amazonas State.

• 2009 - Advisory Service for FAS - Amazon Foundation for Sustainable Development, for developing the plan for the Management of Fisheries Resources in the Juma Reserve, municipality of Novo Airão, State of Amazonas.

Piatam Institute

• 2014- Technical assistance for the Prevention and Action Against Deforestation and Conservation of the Tropical Forest Project in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. Project developed for the Secretary of the Environment and Sustainable Development of the State of Amazonas/ KfW Entwicklungsbank. Consortium with GOPA - Gesellschaft für Organisation, Planung und Ausbildung mbH.

• 2014 - Symposium on sustainable economic development and adaptation to climate change in Amazonas: opportunities for cooperation between Brazil and USA. Em parceria com Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Amazonas, The Partners of the Américas, The University of Tennessee, IPAAM / Governo do Amazonas e SUFRAMA.

• 2013 - Development of simplified environmental assessment relating to the construction of a bus lane in Avenida das Torres, sections 02, 03 and 04, in the city of Manaus. SEINFRA / Government of the State of Amazonas.

• 2011 - Economic valuation of the Tarumã river watershed, Manaus / AM. Funded by CNPq, implemented by Federal University of Amazonas and Piatam Institute.

• 2010 - Development and implementation of the system of payments for Environmental Services associated with sport fishing in the municipality of Barcelos, AM. Self-funded.

• 2010 – Consultation and elaboration of socio-environmental studies related to the drainage system of the Arena da Amazonia soccer stadium, Manaus, AM. Service contracted by the company Andrade Gutierrez.

• 2010 - Consultancy and elaboration of reservoir drawdown studies of the Arena da Amazônia soccer stadium, Manaus, AM. Service contracted by the company Andrade Gutierrez.

• 2010 - Project Piatam V - strategic environmental intelligence of the oil industry in the Amazon. Funding from CTPetro / FINEP.

• 2009 - Consolidation and conclusion of the plan for state water resources in the state of Acre. Service contracted by the WWF / State Government of Acre.

• 2009 – Socioeconomic diagnostic of cities of the upper Rio Negro, AM, identifying the current status of the aquarium fish production chain. SEBRAE.

• 2009 - Hydrological monitoring of the Natal Waterfall area in the city of Presidente Figueiredo, AM.

• 2009 - Development of thirteen environmental programs for the Arena da Amazônia soccer stadium. Service contracted by the company Andrade Gutierrez SA.

• 2009 - Economic instruments for the protection of the Amazon: the experience of the Industrial Park of Manaus. Nokia Technology of Brazil, Ltda.

